Christiano's initial design for shade structure support
Shade to be provided by camo netting
Sides defined by trucks and poles
AI generated Camp Logo idea
Steve's initial sketch for parts
Steve's initial sketch for parts
Steve's initial sketch for parts
Steve's initial sketch for parts
Steve's initial sketch of assembly
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Steve's initial sketch for "branches"
Steve hard at work on SketchUp plans
Sketchup cutting diagram
Sketchup parts
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Christiano demonstrating the word "delight!"
Steve covered in sawdust
Cart full o' plywood
First work day
First work day
First work day
First work day
Cutting branches
First test assembly - looking amazing! No top level yet.
Better fit, examining top level
More cutting
Happy crafters
Power tools are FUN!
Top piece with branch attached
Giant inflatable moon for the top!
Earth with human for scale
Floating island initial placement
Floating island in progress
Floating island with sand
Cool light fixture Christiano made
Full assembly of tower after staining
It is SO BIG!
Working on lighting